
Comprehensive improvement of rural environment

It has the patented core technology combination of urban sewage treatment, domestic waste collection, transportation, treatment technology, sludge resource utilization - DACs dynamic aerobic composting system and rural organic waste resource utilization scheme.

Watershed / key regional ecological governance

It has ecological restoration technology for rivers, lakes and reservoirs, comprehensive treatment technology for black and odorous water bodies and comprehensive treatment of polluted sites / soils (solidification, stabilization, thermal analysis and leaching)

Ecological transformation service of Industrial Zone

It has industrial wastewater recycling and ultra-low discharge technology, high concentration organic wastewater anaerobic treatment technology, upflow multistage anaerobic reactor Umar, pulp bleaching chlorine dioxide preparation system, upflow multiphase wastewater treatment oxidation tower uhofe, continuous countercurrent sand filter and low-temperature electrostatic precipitator (EP) + high-temperature denitration (SCR) system

Soil environmental remediation technology

It has in-situ thermal desorption system (ITTU), ectopic thermal desorption system (RTTU), ectopic thermal desorption system (BTTU) and groundwater remediation system (BPOS)

Environmental impact assessment of 3.5 million tons Forest Pulp paper integration project of Guangxi Sun Paper Co., Ltd

The project is a 10 billion level project promoted by Guangxi's "double hundred and double new" and "three enterprises entering Guangxi". The company carries out preliminary environmental impact assessment services for the project, provides management departments and owners with feasible pollutant discharge data of the project, and then puts forward environmental protection solutions such as optimizing production process, improving cleaner production level and ultra-low emission of waste gas, so as to lay a solid foundation for project construction, Boost investment attraction of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.

Guangxi rural environmental quality monitoring project and water quality monitoring project in Guangxi water functional area

Undertake the Guangxi rural environmental quality monitoring project and the water quality monitoring project of Guangxi water functional zone entrusted by the Department of ecological environment of the autonomous region. The project mainly monitors the ambient air, surface water, groundwater and soil in the designated areas of Wuzhou, Yulin, Guigang, Guilin, Liuzhou, Laibin and Hechi. With excellent professional and technical ability and advanced instruments and equipment, we can complete the detection task scientifically, fairly, accurately and efficiently.

Large scale chlorine dioxide preparation project of a paper industry in Indonesia

The device is the first set of pulp bleaching comprehensive method device independently designed and manufactured in China. It is also the chlorine dioxide device with the largest capacity designed in China. The operation of the device breaks the technical monopoly of foreign enterprises in this field and is a milestone in the development history of China's chlorine dioxide preparation industry.

Fuel ethanol plant and supporting cogeneration wastewater treatment project of SDIC bioenergy (Helen) Co., Ltd

The project is located in Hailun City, Heilongjiang Province. It is an important measure for the national development and Investment Group Co., Ltd. to implement the industrial poverty alleviation deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the national energy strategy. With advanced wastewater treatment technology and rich management experience, Bossco did not fear difficulties under the influence of epidemic situation and severe cold weather conditions. In December 2020, all wastewater treatment equipment provided by Bosch was successfully commissioned and put into operation at one time.

Regional water supply project in the southeast of Sihong County, Jiangsu Province

Domestic water for 23 township residents in the territory, with a water supply area of about 1790km2 and a service population of 577900.

Xinjiang Aksu oily sludge pyrolysis skid harmless disposal project

The project uses the direct heating chain plate heat treatment system (RTTU) introduced and localized in Canada to reduce and harmless dispose of oil-based drilling cuttings, floor sludge and tank bottom sludge produced in the process of oilfield exploitation. The annual treatment capacity is up to 150000 tons. The treated sludge can be made into bricks or pave roads, which makes it possible for the resource utilization of sludge.
